Sunday, February 15, 2009
how stupid can the world get? is it very stupid now? well, i BET it is.. heres the catch, the world is not at its most stupidest now, it WILL get even stupider as each day passes. so we should brace urselves up to face the stupidity. SERIOUSLY, u cant do it urself, cos no matter how much u try, u wont overcome the world by URSELF. guess wad? u MAY also b as STUPID as the world itself. rejecting Jesus's everlasting love, blessings and never ending grace is probably the STUPIDIEST thing to do. the end is near, very near, u dun wan to be trapped in this horrid world so u better WAKE UP from ur spiritual slumber. for broad is way that leads to distruction n narrow is the way tat leads to the light. the RIGHT thing may not b the EASY thing but r u STUPID enouf to take the gamble n to ignore this warning? think about it.. if u find this offensive, then pls navigate away from here, thank u. may grace be wif u.
9:10 PM